Quote of the Day!!
Attention all 187 Parents!!!!
Spring Break starts March 27th and ends April 2nd.
Enjoy and be safe!!
Good Morning 187!!!!!
Just in case you can't make it to Jerome on Saturday, you have another chance for food at St. John Church. Monday, March 25th from 9:30a- 11:30a or while supplies last. We hope you can make it out!!!!
Lalumier Garden Open House
March 25th at Lalumier School
1:00p - 3:00p
Good Afternoon, Cahokia Heights families. Need a little help? Clothing and food Giveaway!!! Saturday, March 23rd from 10am -12 noon- Jerome School- 1825 Jerome Lane!! See you there!!!
Quote of the Day!!!
Attention all Cahokia Parents and Guardians!!!!! Don't forget the Parent Engagement Meeting tomorrow, March 20th at Wirth Middle School in the 6th Grade Gym from 6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. There will be multiple giveaways such as gift cards, PlayStation 5 and/or Xbox!!!!! See you there!!!
Attention all #187 Parents!!!!
SIHF is now scheduling school and sports physicals for students. Please get these taken care of early, before the start of the '24-'25 school year.
See you there!!!!
Youth tryouts open to ALL skill levels. Girls in grades 4th-8th are welcome!
Tryouts will be held at Wirth Middle School on Thursday 3/21 @ 6:30pm-8pm and Sunday 3/24 @ 1pm-3pm. For any questions please contact Coach Jazmin Pitts (618-419-5977)
Quote of the Day!!!
Attention All 187 Parents!!!!!
Last week our schools participated in the National Breakfast Week celebration, the theme was "Fueled for Success." The goal of National Breakfast week is to recognize the importance of school breakfast and how it impacts a child's day in fueling them for success in the classroom.
Our awesome Food Service team (Organic Life) put together delicious breakfast choices for our students and parents to enjoy throughout the week. A special thank you to all of the cooks throughout the district for all that you do!
Chicken and Waffles Day was a big hit on Thursday with students and parents!
We look forward to more opportunities such as this in the future and thank you to everyone that made it possible. Hopefully the photos below will give you a smile 😊 on this Monday.
Friendly reminder.........
Food Giveaway - Monday, March 11th @ Jerome School
9:30am- 11:30 am or while supplies last.
Please share with families in need.
Save the Date!!!!
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
St. Louis Magic House
From 6:00pm- 8:00pm
See you there!!!!
Quote of the Day!!
Attention all Cahokia 187 Parents!!!!!
Parent/ Guardian Community Engagement Meeting
March 20, 2024
Wirth Middle School 6th grade Gym
6pm- 7:30pm
Attention Cahokia #187!!!
Cahokia High School's Community Garden would like to invite you to an "Open House"!!
Friday, April 12th - 8:30a - 2:30p
800 Range Lane , Cahokia Heights, IL 62206
We are very excited the "Book Mobile" came by to provide books for all the second and third graders . We were awarded a grant from The Saigh Foundation for all of the second and third graders in the Cahokia School District to receive six new books, during the current school year. Thanks again on behalf of our students at Lalumier, Maplewood, Huffman, and Estelle Sauget School of Choice!!!!
Food Giveaway Monday, February 26th at St. John Church. 9:30am - 1130am or while supplies last. See you there!!!!
Save the Date!!!
This summer SIUE - School of Nursing will be hosting a summer camp tailored for high school students aspiring to pursue a career in Nursing. June 11th- 14th
-See attached flyer